Monday, January 31, 2011

Record pick up

Megan knew where one hubcap was and Chelsea knew where two were. We scheduled a night of dinner and a movie with Brooke around these pickups. On the way to get Brooke, Megan spotted two hubcaps and pulled over safely to get them.
After dinner and a movie, when it was late enough, Brooke picked up one- her first! And then we got 2 more downtown.

What a night! Megan carrying two!

another pick up in Lafayette Square.

5 from the night.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Hubs spotted on TV

While flipping channels today, I spotted some hubcaps on an auto store on Cops. Kinda creepy about a man who hung himself but glad to see others appreciating hubcaps.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

scrubbing day

this is where I clean the hubcaps in my basement. I have a great hook for water, a drain, 409 and a tooth brush. It gets the job done in the winter time!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

I see you!

Megan spotted a hubcap and we took a walk to get it.
March 23, 2010

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

beautiful snow

just waiting there for us.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

First Expo

Hubcaps at my first Show!!!

Megan came to see my show!

Chelsea and Momsy

Sunday, January 23, 2011

hubcap spotted

a flattened guy spotted near a highway on ramp. then it snowed. now megan and I are waiting for the snow to melt to do a pick up... hopefully he's still there!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Meg's New Decor

Meg bought this from the Expo I had in 2010. Its not beautiful decor in her bedroom.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Dirty Night Pick Up

A few weeks or months ago Megan saw two hubcaps not to far apart on a nearby street. After many talks of these two and one attempt, we knew it had to be a late night pick up. With Brianna in the car too we stopped on the street and Megan reached out to pick up the first hubcap. DIRTY. Then for the second one she had to hop out of the car and again... DIRTY! With the recent snow and mush, they were pretty gross. Luckily we had a plastic bag and a HubCap Towel in the car to use for Megan to wipe off her hands.
The hubcaps hidden under the towel.

B, earlier in the eventful evening

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

heather's first rescue

February 2009 heather had her first rescue in Columbia, Missouri after Dana spotted a lonely hubcap off Providence.

Friday, January 14, 2011

a waiting hubcap.

sometimes you see one just waiting
for you... like this one in kirkwood! as easy rescue.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

sabrina's find!

Sabrina had been scouring the southwest of Missouri and found this hubcap! a good find!

Monday, January 10, 2011

I was with Ashley and Emily on our way to REI when we were discussing Megan’s hubcap sightings. Ashley then spotted one up the side of the road a bit and Chelsea U-turned twice to align the car to get it. Blinker on and Ashley ran about 6 feet up the hill in her heels to grab the hubcap! Success. Ashley’s first rescue.

Driving on with excitement of the first find, we see a lonely smashed hubcap in a lane on the opposite side of the road- almost impossible to get right now. We keep diving. Emily spots one on her side,
Chelsea turns down the next street that parallels the road with the spotted cap. Emily climbs out of the car and up a hill to look for the cap. She walks several yards before spotting it. Emily then breaks into a run, picks up the cap and looks longingly down the road where the smashed cap was, thinking about attempting to get it. She decides against it and bounds down the hill toward the car. Second success! Then back in route to REI within seconds we see two more un-attemptable hubcaps. These little guys will have to be rescued some late night or be swept up by the trash man.