Monday, August 20, 2012

Succotash Hubcap

As seen in a cool restaurant in Kansas City- Succotash. I went out to KC for the Color Run with some friends and one suggested an after run brunch here. How delightful!

and a hubcap sighting too!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Tomato Hubcap

This hubcap was dirty and lying unwanted on the road...

 With some scrubbing and love, it was made into a new gem....
... A Tomato Hubcap! I entered it into an Art Contest at the Iron Barley's 2012 Tomato Fest
 And it won 1st place! They will hang it in their restaurant on Virginia soon. (More pics of that to come after I visit the little guy.)
 I don't know what to expect when you bite real or fake gold, but I got a cool medal!

Thanks to all my friends, seekers and supporters!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Hot Pink Caps

Besty saw this car chilling near Ted Drewes one day.

They didn't even need my help.